1. in my
thought and
2. my heart I knew
3. a sweet desire
for your mother. Then
5. the bloom of our
6. eternal
7. was lost to us.
8. And weakness
plagued us.
10. For this reason the days
11. of our life
became few.
12. And I realized that
13. I was under the
14. of death. And now
15. my son Seth I will
reveal to you those things
17. which were revealed to me
by those men
19. whom I saw
20. at first
21. before
22. “After I complete
23. the times
24. of this
25. and the years
26. of this generation
are gone
“With Spotify, for instance, we are a platform. Netflix is not. With Spotify, we have a free service. Netflix does not. We have hundreds of millions of pieces of content. Netflix makes its own original content solely and licenses a little bit. So it’s just vastly different businesses. And again, we have seen competition in Spotify since 2015. And when I look at the video landscape, it seems like competition is heating up. So there’s a lot of other dissimilarities between the two businesses currently as well.”
[1:00 AM]
I was on a bus and I knew it was in Russia like Moscow, a man in a brown suit with greying hair and a handsome beard was sitting on the seat and looking down on me as I kneeled on the bus floor
[1:02 AM]
I tried to ask where I was and he spoke in this terrifying language that sounded like thousand of bugs, he pulled a large beetle out of my mouth and then it turned to gold and we laughed, and I asked what I should do and he reached and snapped my neck which instantly went back after I died for a second, thousands of bugs crawled from his mouth and I woke up
The firm has been associated with a number of notable scandals including the collapse of Enron in 2001[17][18] and the 2007–2008 financial crisis.[17] It has also drawn controversy for involvement with Purdue Pharma,[19] U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement[20] and authoritarian regimes.[21][22] In February 2021, McKinsey paid $600 million to settle investigations into its role in promoting sales of OxyContin and fueling the greater opioid epidemic.[23]
the simple study of the cursus vitæ of
the patient seems to
bring out a desire to
distinguish herself from her family
milieu, a
voluntary isolation from her professional milieu,
falseness in judgment which are borne out by the
Her studies are good and there is nothing
worth mentioning until
she left Teacher Training
School at the age of 21. Given a
position in 1917,
she endeavours to organise her service in her
way, already makes claims and even interprets.
After a
few years, she gets it into her head to move
to a teaching position in a school of commerce,
requests to that
end a change of position and then a
leave of absence and, in
1924, purely and simply
abandons her position, in order to come
to Paris to
prepare her exam. There she earned her living as
accountant, but believes herself to be persecuted in
her placements and changes jobs twelve times in
years. The sexual behaviour to which we have
alluded, the very
deep character of rebellions
exhibited by the patient come to
add to the
impression which is given off by the whole
son histoire pour faire admettre une
évolutive ancienne de la personnalité, de
her history to admit a long-standing
anomaly of personality, of a paranoiac type.
[ 10:24 AM]
I was the twin brother of some rich guy and he had this huge golden building and outside of it I met this girl who just had a plot of land for farming and we fell in love and at some point we decided to move away but then she gave me a bouquet of flowers and killed herself and then there was a protest where I was making this speech in front of the big water feature and kept trying to get him to make it dramatic by making it go when I said something and I said we should line up things from people killed by him and I put a flower from her against the building
[10:25 AM]
They cleaned it up the next day
[10:29 AM]
I was at a theater and an assassin was trying to kill me and I had to keep running away and then I realized he was looking for someone else and I managed to get him to stop chasing me and stole his bebe gun and was looking for the right target who was in the vents and started spraying people with something and someone realized he was in the vents and we started going towards a place to get in. And we passed by people who were sprayed and they were like enthralled and were organizing fruit for the guy we were trying to get and if they did something wrong they would like inflate and explode to spread more stuff.
I was going on a tour and I ended up talking to some doctor and started ranting to him about how he shouldn't call 911 for his suicidal gf and then he was like kinda swayed and then he led me to a pharmacy and got me these injectable supplements and the pharmacist asked if they should turn on the lights instead of just having glare through the window and I had a sensation of the needle sticking into my cartilage
I'm so afraid of razor blades
I'm so afraid of razor blades
they busted down the door holding a rifle for my sin
I'm so afraid of razor blades
And the sixth kingdom says that [...] down to the aeonwhich is below, in order to gather flowers. She became pregnant from the desire of the flowers. She gave birth to him in that place. The angels of the flower garden nourished him. He received glory there, and power. And thus he came to the water.
Demiurge. The infinite /must/split and our essence is in that split. No need for physics or causality, all and beyond happen. The infinite has only form of infinite and so from the split something "material". And that split is the creator, our form our image is materiality. The universe is our form. Something with self and relations. The demiurge is both the image of the body and the image of all essnce of relations. Sun to planets is the image of demiurge. Perhaps it is wrong to dipise the creator as he is our relations and connections.
characterization of the divine Mother in these sources is not simple
since the texts themselves are extraordinarily diverse. Nevertheless,
three primary characterizations merge. First, a certain poet and
teacher, Valentinus, begins with the
that God is essentially indescribable. And yet he suggests that the
divine can be imagined as a Dyad consisting of two elements: one he
calls the Ineffable, the Source, the Primal Father; the other, the
Silence, the Mother of all things.(6) Although we might question
Valentinus's reasoning that Silence is the appropriate complement of
what is Ineffable, his equation of the former with the feminine and
the latter with the masculine may be traced to the grammatical gender
of the Greek words. Followers of Valentinus invoke this feminine
power, whom they also call "Grace" (in Greek, the feminine
term charis), in their own private celebration of the Christian
eucharist: they call her "divine, eternal Grace, She who is
before all things."(7) At other times they pray to her for
protection as the Mother, "Thou enthroned with God, eternal,
mystical Silence."(8) Marcus, a disciple of Valentinus, contends
that "when Moses began his account of creation, he mentioned the
Mother of all things at the very beginning, when he said, `In the
beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,' "(9) for the
word beginning (in Greek, the feminine arche) refers to the divine
Mother, the source of the cosmic elements. When they describe God in
this way, different gnostic writers have different interpretations.
Some maintain that the divine is to be considered masculo-feminine,
the "great male-female power." Others insist that the terms
are meant only as metaphors, for, in reality, the divine is neither
masculine nor feminine. A third group suggests that one can describe
the Source of all things in either masculine or feminine terms,
depending on which aspect one intends to stress.(10)
red Toyota spluttered to a halt in front of the Iraq Museum and three
men in their early twenties jumped out. As they s
to lift a large object wrapped in a blanket out of the boot, the
American guards on the gate raised their w
For a moment, a priceless 5,000-year-old vase thought to have been
lost in looting after the fall of Baghdad seemed about to meet its
end. But one of the men peeled back the blanket to reveal carved
that were clearly something extraordinary. Three feet high and
weighing 600lb intact, this was the Sacred Vase of Warka, regarded by
experts as one of the most precious of all the treasures taken during
looting that shocked the world in the chaos following the fall of
Baghdad. Broken in antiquity and stuck together, it was once again in
Favorite car? Beamer Favorite soda? Root beer, scotch variety. Homosexuality? Matthew,15:11 Pets? "homo" Hates fact too dependent and tame. Sports? "homo" "Tackle a horse" Imagine a billionare. Everyone around him can't forget his money for even a moment. The truth is, most people are after God's "money" -- they fear for their salvation. Here's a test -- would you pray to and praise God even if there were no salvation? Love God and don't be a "user". Asking for stuff is annoying. Luke,11:5-7 Don't SPAM God.